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Who is this person on the left?
He is Julian Assange, the founders of Wikileaks.
His bravery has put his lives in risk, why? Because he reveals or invades the TRUTH behind some certain top secrets and humilated some of the governments in America.
Personally, I think "Wikileak" has given me another way to interpret it which is the "humanitarian". Simply, there is a lot of matter that we do not know is better than knowing it. The truth has been always the cruelest, like the case collateral murder.
Check out this link : http://www.collateralmurder.com/
It has 3 videos inside this link, and one of the videos is about the civilians are being killed. Basically Wikileak which have these videos are also having the information supports from military whistleblowers. Wikileak has to ensure the information which leaked is must to get the attention from the people around the world. In other words, all of us are deserved to know. According to this link, it has also mentioned that there are quite a big number of journalist being killed in Iraq because the journalists' camera have been wrongly seen as weapon which turned them into tragedy.
In addition, Philip Shennon, he is "a former investigate reporter for The New York Times" (PBS, 2010). Throughout the interview between Philip Shenon and Judy Woodruff, he has discussed quite a lot of information about the connection between Julian Assange and Wikileak. Indeed, I think Philip Shenon has said out a point which is really good which is "And, so, when he said I -- we -- we played earlier a quote from him where he said it's -- he said, these documents will show the true nature of this war. Then the public can take steps to address the problems.So, it sounds as if he has an agenda." (PBS, 2010).
The full interview link: http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/media/july-dec10/wiki_07-26.html
Guys, check it out. I think it is quite interesting to know more about Julian Assange.
To conclude, I am really salute on how Julian Assange being honest to himself and also to the public. Because I think the reason that he created Wikileak is to let the public to know the truth instead of pretending like don't know. Indeed, he might hope to get the public to think of ways to overcome the problem or anyhow like how Philip Shenon mentioned in the interview.
As a matter of fact, if we think in positive ways, no doubt we can know the truth. In contrast, it would just bring out the arguments between government and the society. So I think is kind of paradoxical to say Wikileak is really good to public. It is just depend on how we view on it.
It has 3 videos inside this link, and one of the videos is about the civilians are being killed. Basically Wikileak which have these videos are also having the information supports from military whistleblowers. Wikileak has to ensure the information which leaked is must to get the attention from the people around the world. In other words, all of us are deserved to know. According to this link, it has also mentioned that there are quite a big number of journalist being killed in Iraq because the journalists' camera have been wrongly seen as weapon which turned them into tragedy.
In addition, Philip Shennon, he is "a former investigate reporter for The New York Times" (PBS, 2010). Throughout the interview between Philip Shenon and Judy Woodruff, he has discussed quite a lot of information about the connection between Julian Assange and Wikileak. Indeed, I think Philip Shenon has said out a point which is really good which is "And, so, when he said I -- we -- we played earlier a quote from him where he said it's -- he said, these documents will show the true nature of this war. Then the public can take steps to address the problems.So, it sounds as if he has an agenda." (PBS, 2010).
The full interview link: http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/media/july-dec10/wiki_07-26.html
Guys, check it out. I think it is quite interesting to know more about Julian Assange.
To conclude, I am really salute on how Julian Assange being honest to himself and also to the public. Because I think the reason that he created Wikileak is to let the public to know the truth instead of pretending like don't know. Indeed, he might hope to get the public to think of ways to overcome the problem or anyhow like how Philip Shenon mentioned in the interview.
As a matter of fact, if we think in positive ways, no doubt we can know the truth. In contrast, it would just bring out the arguments between government and the society. So I think is kind of paradoxical to say Wikileak is really good to public. It is just depend on how we view on it.