Thursday 3 November 2011

Google versus Apple

Google Android vs IOS

Google Android is the mobile operating system for the netbook, tablet computer and cell phone. As for IOS is also the operating system for the Iphone, Ipad and Ipod Touch. In fact, they have the same technologies but there will be a different approaches for the smartphone users. Don't you agree it? Apple is Google's competitor, Google is Apple's competitor, both are competing in the target market to reach the supremacy and also the trend recently. For example, when Apple recommend a new apps for the smartphone devices, definitely Google would map up a similar apps for its' mobile devices too.

Speaking of both OS, Daniel Roth has stated that "Phones were going to replace PCs as the main gateway to the Internet, and they were going to do it soon. Why would consumers tether themselves to a PC when phones were growing more and more powerful---and were cheaper, too?"

Based on his statement, I personally think that phones have already replaced PCs which is the gateway to the Internet. It is because phones like Iphone or even the Android mobile devices are able to connect to Internet as long as the area you stopped by has the WIFI connection. As for Iphone users, they have used to sign up the 3G plan so that they can online everytime, everywhere as long as there is still coverage. In addition, phones are smaller, lighter and importantly it is portable.

What's more, Daniel Roth has also mentioned that "when Apple unveiled the iPhone last summer, expectations for a gPhone — could it be called anything else? — grew even more feverish." This could be sounds funny, but what do you think if gPhone does exist in the market? Indeed, Iphone nowadays is the big hit and if Google do create this phone called gPhone, probably people might think Google is just take up Apple's idea. As a matter of fact, I would still go for Iphone even gPhone does exist. It is because Iphone nowadays is the trend, everyone hopes to have an Iphone or Ipad due to its' design, colors, functions and features.

As you can see, even the pilots use Ipad!

 Speaking of android, android could run on third party application but Apple can't. No offence, Apple is more on protect the Iphone or Ipad users' privacy. What's more, Iphone's bluetooth is only can work within Apple devices. Thus, people might say this is selfish but it is considered as its' specialties though. In a nutshell, Google Android and Apple IOS each have their own characteristics and also definitely there will be not shortage of people in discussing these two high technology and devices.


  1. Hey! Sook Mun, I just read your post it was great but I don't think PC had replaced by smartphone as smartphone still. As some function of smartphone is still can't use like PC, PC support a lot of function than smartphone. Don't you think so? Anyway,this is my own opinion.

  2. Hey sook mun~
    Somehow i think Smartphone cannot replace to PC, there are still a lot of functions can do in PC. I don't think everything can done by Smartphone, and peoples are enjoy watching a big screen rather than a small screen, I will rather watch a video on PC rather than on a Smartphone. While, computer allow insert disc, whereas Smartphone still cannot do it. It might be able to do it for the next generation. Who know?
    Well, I agree with you mentioned the Apple as it is “specialties though”. Apple product too protected the privacy of the facebook users, it cause facebook users has been defined as selfish, it’s just like a blood type, Apple like an AB type blood, they can only donate or receive from AB group blood.
    In the sense of design and graphic I will prefer to have an IPhone, if it’s affordable, but for my finance status, it’s does not allow me to have an IPhone, therefore gphone can satisfy my need.

  3. Smartphones are replacing the PC huh. It's true in someway thou. Instead of taking so much time to boot and to load, a slide to the smart phone and you can start browsing. In terms of efficiency, indeed smart phones are doing a better job.

    For example, when a student doesn't understand some points given by the lecturer and he/she needs the answer urgently, they can check through smart phone easily instead of opening the laptop can wait for it to boot.

    But in fact, it still can't be replaced in someway. There are certain things that it is best to be done over the PC instead of smart phones. Like, when you need to view a picture, a bigger screen is require instead of the palm size screen. And when it comes to photoshop or editing works, PC is still the best tool don't you think so?

    and hence, Larry is the biggest winner in the game because Google is everywhere regardless smart phones or even PC. Cool much?

  4. I do agree smart phones have replaced PC, especially for employees and employers.

    Because of the trend, some of the companies have give out smart phones to their employees to contact them easily. For example, there is one company, they give blackberry for almost all of the employees and they contact them by BBM. I think it is a good idea because it is convenient enough. Instead of using email, sending instant message is faster and it is short enough for employees to understand.

    In my opinion, I think smart phones are growing bigger and bigger compare to mobile phones. I think it is because they need to include the hardware into a phone and also because they want to provide a bigger touch screen for people to enjoy the sliding functions.

  5. It is true that slowly smartphones are replacing Pc but in term of mobility. If it is to be discussed in term of capacity and heavy workload,PC has the biggest advantages to done those jobs. However,as the world has becomes more and more advance,mobility stand a higher place for user to keep in usage because people need to connect with each other to done their jobs.

    I am also agree with the points of Apple are trying to protect their user's privacy.It is not to say that others phone is not doing so but Apples are using this features to attract user. It is an adantages but also the disadvantages at the same time.

  6. I'm totally agree with you that phones have already replaced PCs which is the gateway to the Internet. Most of the people nowadays have smart phone and they can connect to the internet anywhere and anytime especially there are alot of shops that provide wifi for the customer. It is a basic for a cafe or restaurant to have wifi to attract customers because the youngsters nowadays want to connect to teh internet to check their Facebook all the time.

    Besides that, people always carry their mobile phone everywhere not like PC. PC is heavy and it is impossible for people to carry it everywhere in order to connect to the internet so mobile phone is their best device to help them to connect to the internet.

    I agree with you that Apple is trying to protect their user's privacy and i think it is very special. At the business point of view, Apple just want everyone to use iPhone and with that they will be no a problem that Apple cannot share its stuff with other Apple product.

  7. Hi, Sook Mun.

    In some point, I agree with you. Smartphone replaces PCs.

    For my personal opinion, I still prefer doing something with my lappy rather than my smartphone.

    For example, I won't use my smartphone for internet banking. Because the chances of lost my phone is higher compare to my lappy.

  8. Hi Sook Mun,

    To me, Apple is all about being "cool" indeed. Definitely would choose Android without a second thought.

    More applications and being able to do what I want with the phone without any restrictions.

    Apart from that, definitely a good idea that Google went into mobile internet. Now we can assess Google even when we are not on our computers or laptops.

