Monday 22 August 2011

A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace

Look! What can you see through the "Cyberspace"?

No, you can't see it because it is a nonphysical environment and it is also the creation of the internet forms. Cyberspace is a virtual reality that reflects on the online environment literally. Speaking of that, Cyberspace is a non-space world which has no rules or regulation and able to fulfill the satisfication of the people while utilizing it. The act of utilizing the Cyberspace is the people's freedom, they can choose to use it in any circumstances they want.

Practically, Cyberspace provides various entertainments, social networking site, rich resources and et cetera to the people.Other than that, to be more specifically focus on the meaning of virtual reality, game could be take as an example to reflect on it based on my opinion. For example, "The Sims". It is a type of game which people are trying to simulate the "character" inside the game that actually reflected on giving them a virtual environment. 

According to John Perry Barlow, it stated Cyberspace does not lie within the Government's borders. I agree with that because Cyberspace is like a big universe, it does not have to rely on any control by someone. It is flexible, things go naturally and not to refrain on any matters.

There is also another interesting statements that quoted by John Perry Barlow, "We are creating a world that all may enter without privilege or prejudice accorded by race, economic power, military force, or station of birth". Obviously,this statement has clearly clarify that Cyberspace is welcoming any people to voice out any feelings or comments on the Cyberspace without any restriction.

By contrast, modern society has a lot of speech or information that should not be exposed. Why? It is because reputation is becoming significant and people is tend to be producing the false news due to the set of rules. Relating to this point, John Perry Barlow has stated Cyberspace is a world that allow people anyone, anywhere may express his or her beliefs, now matter how singular, without fear of being coerced into silence or conformity. Indeed, what's the point of setting up the false news? It has directly devastating the harmony among different races, culturals and perhaps some critical matters which are unpredictable.

"Your legal concepts of property, expression, identity, movement, and context do not apply to us. They are all based on matter, but there is no matter here." quoted by John Perry Barlow.
Precisely, Cyberspace should not allow any problematic issue exist even by now. For example, racist problematic, cultures problematic and et cetera. Is that possible? Anyhow, acccording to John Perry Barlow's point of view, he has divided it into 2 boundaries clearly which is Cyberspace should not be interfere by the Government.

Cyberspace says to Government.

To conclude, I think some rules to control the Cyberspace is not a really bad matter but just don't too overmuch. What I mean is the "balancing". Due to too much of restriction, of course there are people who tend to anti the rules and regulation to overcome the flexibility of usage in Cyberspace. So, what you think? :)


  1. I can't see it, but i can imaging it =)
    as you mention the "balancing", i'm personal think this would not happened in Malaysia =(

    I think it's depend on the person themselves,every peoples have different personality, different people have different thinking mindset, what we thought is slight influences by our culture and religion.In Malaysia,we have different race and religion here, to avoid the conflict among each one, they have to do so.
    Btw,I think there are still some way to break the rule, for example: china restrict people to on Facebook, but they still can access to facebook by another way.. conclude,cyberspace could be anything =)

    good post, sook mun =)

  2. First and foremost i would like to say that this is a very nicely dine posting. i 100% totally agree with you in your stand that we need a balance in the control of the cyberspace if they wish to do so. They should not over do it but they could control in the sense of making sure that there is no big issues that might arise from the internet activity done.

    the world has all the right to say what it wants and the cyberworld gives the opportunity for each one of us to be heard but however the misuse of such freedom is always at jeopardize.

  3. i agree with the "some rules to control the Cyberspace is not a really bad matter but just don't too overmuch" Because without the rules, they will be people with bad thoughts to use cyberspace to do bad things like hacking, steal people's identity and personal and private detail. But when there are too many rules, we will feel that the freedom in the cyberspace have been taken away. People wont feel relax and can't really release stress when using cyberspace. I like it when you mention "balancing" because its so true that there need a balance in cyberspace and rules or law.

  4. I am agree with your concept of "balancing". Imagine when a string is beeing pulled beyond its elacticity, it will create a negative effects which the string could not bounce back. It is same as the cyberspace,when someone is putting restriction too much, it would create a bounce back from the user which shown negative feedback to the government. Thus, its not saying that rules should not apply but please apply the suitable rule and release the one which can create a more freedom era.
