Friday 19 August 2011

Information Ecology

Network is like a flow, correlate with the nodes and provide nugget of information to people. In other words, node is like a seed upholding different kind of new information in everyday life.

 According to Felix Stalder, flows and nodes are mutually constitutive, one builds upon the other. Doubtlessly, flow is supporting at each node and in contrast a node without flow would be dead. In a direct manner, it probably means the interconnection within these 2 elements have to be attached with each other no matter how.

There are four dimension of four ecology as stated in the journal:
  • Interdepency
  • Change
  • Time-boundness
  • Differentiation
INTERDEPENDENCY- Likewise, it means the uniqueness of the node and the flow are interconnect with each other, both are having the consensus.

CHANGE- It means the flow of information could be change because it is infinitely malleable. The vital information could be varied  via different kind of electronic media such as smartphone, computer, radio and et cetera.  The direction and quality of the information flow could be change abruptly into a brand new environment if there is any unexpected small or big modification happened.

TIME-BOUNDNESS- It probably means the intersection of time and information flows are crucial. For example, journalists always need to update the news everydays because they have the purpose to let everyone know the most up-to-date information. Speaking of that, people would have want to know the news on time instead of getting the news which was outdated. Who will want to know the news which have passed few days ago? What's more, it is not a crucial issue to discuss anymore.

DIFFERENTIATION- "Information is difference and the nodes survive as long as they can make a difference, which is far as long as they can produce information that is valid for others." For example, every industry would have want to differenciate themselves in order to increase their population propotionally among themselves. In other words, it could be decoded in other way which they can make the difference as long as they are able to provide the credibility to the people.

Literally, these 4 dimensions of information ecology sounds quite abstract. As a matter of fact, when I was trying to understand it , it seems vivid once the points come to mind. Interesting.


  1. I know right? It's like all simple points but after reading it it confuse you. But don't you think these 4 main factors do play a very important role? It's invisible but it's essential! D=

  2. Yes. The points seems really abstract and confusing. But when you are reading the journal, you would really found out these 4 factors are totally beyond our thinking. :)

  3. Yup, the 4 dimension of information ideology seems complicated yet it's happened in our life every second.

    The earth are round, the earth keep updating. every second there is something new come out. we must always updated ourselves to fix the changes of the world everyday..hehe

    Thank you sook mun for summarize the journal for me ;)

  4. I like your post! Short and straight to the point!
    I agree that information flow change when there're some small or big modification happened. The changes can cause big influence towards the audiences as well. That's why maintaining the quality of information is important.

  5. The journal really complicated but straight to the points.It is really abstract but you interpret it well. I understand what you talking about rather than reading at the journal.

    Agree that nodes and flow are depending to each other. And the information are very crucial for the time nowadays. People are seeking for the latest news for them to discuss and catch up. If one of the minor or major part had change, the whole information ecology may just structured to become a new ecology.

    It's a very nice post! Thanks Sook Mun! Hope to read your post again! :)

  6. this is straight to the point, simple and easy to understand!! =)

    I agree that noboday want to read the outdated news through internet and nobody will discuss or talk about the outdated news. People used internet to get the latest information and news as fast as they can. So the information and the news on the internet have to updated rapidly and of course the quality of the information is very important too.

  7. From past until now ,from traditional to networking,the networking had changed people from behavior to habit.For example, networking change people from book to computer, from letter to e-mail and also from outside to the room.People can get anything without leaving their computer and walking out the room. This metaphor on people tend to change their behavior from eating in the restaurant to ordering online and deliver to their house. Networking had accomplished the world but it had the prons and cons in it but we can't admit that network really help us a lot in every way. Nice posting,sook mun...
