Wednesday 28 September 2011

Weblogs and the Mass Amateurization of Publishing

Weblogs is a place that enable us to stay current on various activities that posted by people who like to share the common interest or we could have a voyueristic glimpse on the people who have interested us. Besides, weblog is also become one of the method for revenue. As we always hear people say blogging for cash, what does it really mean?

Blogger nowadays would get paid if displaying google ads on their site which is via Google Adsense. It is a kind of advertising type that display visually with text and graphic which is relevant to the content that written and also the specific target market. People who clicked on the ads within the blogger's blog, they will get paid for that. It is efficient and fast, isn't it?

By contrast, people might just use weblog to share any information that they want without getting revenue. Indeed, weblog can reach a broad audiences if compare to those books, magazines and et cetera. Simply because weblog is not in hardcopy form and people who got Internet definitely can see it, no matter you are from other countries. In other words, network does not have specific boundaries.

However, the information which being shared by the blogger is probably in informal ways. It is because weblog is a place for the blogger to write the post in a freedom manner, they can share any information they want. There are no limits for them. For example, when you want to go for a trip. You tend to buy travel guide book to refer but people nowadays have changed to surf the weblogs.

No doubt, if I were the one who want to do research on travel guide, I would use weblog as reference. It is much more credible and realistic because blogger who tend to post the information , they have experienced it and giving out the comment sincerely. In addition, the pictures that uploaded onto the weblogs are clear enough to give us the visual of certain places. They can give out good and bad comments, but if compare to books. Will they?

To conclude, I think weblogs do make our life easier. It is really grateful that weblogs are able to provides us the visual and information which we want to know. Importantly, we could share written works and get revenue if we want to blog.


Monday 19 September 2011

Media Convergence

Media convergence --It is like the new future or new environment for the people now.Simply, communications and content with the powerful supporting of high technology nowadays has upgraded our life into a more simple and flexible manner.

How simple would it be? Perhaps people nowadays might still use direct mail which is in printed form to promote their business. But majority of people now would recommend to use Internet, which has the feature of email program to give them the easiest way to promote their products or service.

What's more, it is easier to achieve a broad audiences. Compare to old media and the new media now, doubtlessly new media  do give us much more convenient. Meanwhile, some people are still using old media. For example, radio. They are still prefer listening to radio while doing work, driving and et cetera instead of using high tech gadget to listen online.

As how the research Jenkins has mentioned that "consumers are learning how to use these different media technologies to bring the flow of media more fully under their control and to interact with other users." Yes, this is true. It is like how the people are doing now. For example, Internet has replaced TV. Why? Simply is because Internet has various features. We can watch movies, videos, listen to music and et cetera which we want via the usage of Internet. Thus, you does no need to fight with your family to change channel because the computer power with Internet could let you multitask all these in the same time. Listening to music while surfing net? Watching dramas or movies on the same time chatting with your friend? It is convenient, isn't it?

Besides, there are many things have changed into digital form. For example, the newspapers which we are tend to read in the early morning. Technology has improved so much that we just need to click in into their online news portal, any breaking news you can know instantly. In other words, as long as you have high gadgets like Iphone, Ipad and laptop, any contents that we want to know, we can get to know the news immediately. While we are reading it online, on the same time we can Facebook, listening to music. It is like you can multitask in anyways, anytime.

What's more, with the wise creation of Apple company. Ipad or Iphone has become the trend nowadays. They are smartphone and their functions or features would not lose to laptops. They are smaller, lighter and easier to bring to anywhere you want to go. Children used to be watching cartoon on TV, but now they used Ipad to watch or even playing games. Indeed, technology is improving day by day. In future, we wouldn't know how media integrated into a more high-tech environment once again. Therefore, people have to keep follow up the trend.

By just changing the covers, it is like becoming the children's new toys.

Ipad: Laptop shoooooo!

Friday 9 September 2011

Intellectual Property

See the FIST. It is the Intellectual Property!

What does intellectual property mean?
 Look at the strong fist there, it is like how the intellectual property being protective to the creations of human minds.Intellectual property allows owners or the creator of the patents, trademarks or any copyrighted works to earn or benefit from their own creation.

For example, music, books, arts, film and softwares; these could be the new inventions and creations from various artists that would like to earn from their creation. Speaking of that, multi billion dollar films could be one of the issues, these kinds of film must have the supporting of intellectual property, if they do not have the copyright protection, the films do not even exist eventually. Besides, some certain movies or films would be retake all the scenes with different settings and artists by different countries too.

What's more, consumer nowadays are worry to buy products which are not credible and somehow they will just think that the products are not reliable. Anyhow, products with international trademarks are able to insure the consumers' credibility towards the products.

As for the music segment which infused intellectual property; people nowadays are having the incentive to remix the artist's musics or lyrics in any way they want. They would like make the modification on the songs and share it through various website without caring the patent of the songs or the creation of artists. It is also because they might think that they can produce a better music than the original one. 

In fact, the online media nowadays are also allow people to create any professional videos, codes and et cetera but majority of them are still not prefer to access the legal advice although they know others might exploit on their creations. What's more, I also found out that there are people who are willing to share their origin videos, songs, short clips, articles or any via website which just only want to increase their fame.

To conclude, copyright, patent and trademark; these three are like brothers, they are inseparable from the term "Intellectual Property". These three are able enhance the quality of the works of the owners or creators which is also bring up the trustworthiness and credibility of the products, services, publishing or any software industries.