Friday 9 September 2011

Intellectual Property

See the FIST. It is the Intellectual Property!

What does intellectual property mean?
 Look at the strong fist there, it is like how the intellectual property being protective to the creations of human minds.Intellectual property allows owners or the creator of the patents, trademarks or any copyrighted works to earn or benefit from their own creation.

For example, music, books, arts, film and softwares; these could be the new inventions and creations from various artists that would like to earn from their creation. Speaking of that, multi billion dollar films could be one of the issues, these kinds of film must have the supporting of intellectual property, if they do not have the copyright protection, the films do not even exist eventually. Besides, some certain movies or films would be retake all the scenes with different settings and artists by different countries too.

What's more, consumer nowadays are worry to buy products which are not credible and somehow they will just think that the products are not reliable. Anyhow, products with international trademarks are able to insure the consumers' credibility towards the products.

As for the music segment which infused intellectual property; people nowadays are having the incentive to remix the artist's musics or lyrics in any way they want. They would like make the modification on the songs and share it through various website without caring the patent of the songs or the creation of artists. It is also because they might think that they can produce a better music than the original one. 

In fact, the online media nowadays are also allow people to create any professional videos, codes and et cetera but majority of them are still not prefer to access the legal advice although they know others might exploit on their creations. What's more, I also found out that there are people who are willing to share their origin videos, songs, short clips, articles or any via website which just only want to increase their fame.

To conclude, copyright, patent and trademark; these three are like brothers, they are inseparable from the term "Intellectual Property". These three are able enhance the quality of the works of the owners or creators which is also bring up the trustworthiness and credibility of the products, services, publishing or any software industries.


  1. I agree with you that, "if they do not have the copyright protection, the films do not even exist eventually." But because of the internet, people had challenge the copyright of the film. There are people illegally upload movies and let the internet user to view it free online. This is very unfair for the movie owner and movie maker.People do not show appreciation towards their effort and did not respect their effort. When there are free movie online, who wants to pay and go in the cinema to watch movie? People will just stay at home and get the latest movie on the internet for free. With this, who wants to make movie if they can't make money with it? Then there will be no new movie. What do you think?

  2. The last picture was just nice to describe the copyright law! It's true that most of the people who create musics build ideas on ideas. Taking the original version and remix it made them feels as if they are creating a better version but they did not know without proper acknowledgement they are just nothing but copycat.

    Worse of all, the pirated cds. Instead of just the 10 songs included in the original CD, they'll sell it in a cheaper price and add more songs nice. Citizens hate it but we are also the one that still practices that. Maybe at the end of the day, we, the consumers are also the one who should take the blame.

  3. Film industry is a really hard industry. They paid a lot of money in producing a movie and what is the result? People upload and download from the Internet without paying any money. We know it is a unethical behavior but FOC has brought everyone into an unethical world.

    Although copyright law plays a role in Film Industry, but the society of downloading Films online has become wider and bigger. It is hard to stop people from downloading. To think positively, at least, people appreciates the Films, but only from different way, an unethical way.
