Wednesday 28 September 2011

Weblogs and the Mass Amateurization of Publishing

Weblogs is a place that enable us to stay current on various activities that posted by people who like to share the common interest or we could have a voyueristic glimpse on the people who have interested us. Besides, weblog is also become one of the method for revenue. As we always hear people say blogging for cash, what does it really mean?

Blogger nowadays would get paid if displaying google ads on their site which is via Google Adsense. It is a kind of advertising type that display visually with text and graphic which is relevant to the content that written and also the specific target market. People who clicked on the ads within the blogger's blog, they will get paid for that. It is efficient and fast, isn't it?

By contrast, people might just use weblog to share any information that they want without getting revenue. Indeed, weblog can reach a broad audiences if compare to those books, magazines and et cetera. Simply because weblog is not in hardcopy form and people who got Internet definitely can see it, no matter you are from other countries. In other words, network does not have specific boundaries.

However, the information which being shared by the blogger is probably in informal ways. It is because weblog is a place for the blogger to write the post in a freedom manner, they can share any information they want. There are no limits for them. For example, when you want to go for a trip. You tend to buy travel guide book to refer but people nowadays have changed to surf the weblogs.

No doubt, if I were the one who want to do research on travel guide, I would use weblog as reference. It is much more credible and realistic because blogger who tend to post the information , they have experienced it and giving out the comment sincerely. In addition, the pictures that uploaded onto the weblogs are clear enough to give us the visual of certain places. They can give out good and bad comments, but if compare to books. Will they?

To conclude, I think weblogs do make our life easier. It is really grateful that weblogs are able to provides us the visual and information which we want to know. Importantly, we could share written works and get revenue if we want to blog.



  1. Sook mun, I like the way you used travel blog as a example. yup, I agree travel blog is still a good choice as a reference.I will say it's true, people always share there feeling in their blog, what they wrote is refer to how they feel. But it's not right all the time, everyone have different perspective and opinion toward certain things, peoples have their own emotional as well, the emotional might affected to the weather, personal issue and other issue as well. If a person with a bad mood, what they write, its much affected by their mood, for example, let say the person travel to some place with a bad mood, he couldn't think good about the place, therefore they will write some bad about the bad the place. =)

  2. Yes, Sook Mun, you are right. Nowadays, any information that we want to find we will weblog or google. Just like what you said about travel guide. Nowadays, a lot of people will share their travel experience and information in their blog, it is really a good reference and guide for us. Just like me, whenever I go for a travel in overseas or local will find a lot of information for the trip, even I try to google some interesting information for the place, it will pop out a lot of blogs that by a lot of peoples. In those blogs, those blogger had shared a lot of the information.
    Another things, yes! Weblog can reach a broad of audiences compare to buying a book as everyone can access the internet at the same times and do not like pass one by one to each other, and of course it can share around the world.
    Great post.

  3. Its so true that people will used travel blog rather than tour guide. From the travel blog, they will share their experience in trip with picture. This can make us easy to find the place and get to know more about the place. Most importantly, they recommended places that have cheap and beautiful stuff to buy where you can't find it in the travel guide. It is very enjoyably when viewing the travel blog because there are lots of pretty picture. You just need to connect to the internet and go to travel blogs and you will get all kind of information and get to know the experience of other people. It true that weblog make life much easier =)

  4. Haloo sook mun, its very true that blogging made searching easier. besides that even gives easy and fast acces to many new information. However the con part is that the content may not be as credible as we may think due to the reason that the blogger may just be an ordinary next door guy.. niway very nice article.

  5. It's true that weblogs can reach broad audiences compare to books. Books have limited to certain target audiences and it also limited one topic in one books. But weblogs can contain many different topics like cooking recipes, travel guides, movie reviews and more.

    I agree that weblogs make our life easier. I always search for information from weblogs, especially fashion and travelling. And the important thing is, everything is online! It is convenient by just searching through search engine. Only with a keyword, the information you want can pop out immidiately.

  6. nice post here. Weblogs are now only disseminate the information but also earn money of it. It's far more interesting than books. Also, weblogs will the main choices as a guide because there were using the informal way to communicate which let the reader are more easily engaging with the contents.
