Saturday 1 October 2011

How Twitter Will Change the Way We live

How Twitter change the way we live? Simply, Twitter is one of the social networking sites that majority of people have an account for it. In fact, why Twitter is enumerates as social networks? It is because of the principle of "followers". Everyone would follow their friends profile and follow up their status.

Secondly, we could see on the chatters' interesting topic everyday instead of sms or call to each other. What's more, the link-sharing is also one of the element that able to provide the great impact to our life. Because we could make discussion on it and automatically it could attracts others to comment on it too.

With these 3 combinations of element, it has reflected on how we perform our actions to Twitter. As Steven Johnson mentioned: "The most fascinating thing about Twitter is not what it's doing to us. It's what we're doing it." In other words, it just mean Twitter has provide us these kind of functions, it is just depend on how we utilized it. It would not automatically help us to create the boundaries of the network, is US who need to work on it.

Whenever we saw news about plane crash, gossip item and et cetera. They will just come across us via Twitter which they posted the links and share to all the followers. It is even faster than getting the information through the newspaper. It is because whenever the first person who get to know the news, they has become the "citizen journalism". They will share the news via social networking sites and is about to start the discussion with various people from different countries.  It is like how Steven Johnson said, "injecting Twitter into that conversation fundamentally changed the rules of engagement. It added a second layer of discussion and brought a wider audience into what would have been a private exchange."

To conclude, Twitter has involved the people nowadays into the global scale of network. Every moments and everytimes people are discussing, posting, commenting on different topic which give us the great impact to our life. Everyone has the rights to respond on a particular topic, there is no restriction. Indeed, it is just depend on the way we express and react.

Don't you agree it?


  1. Hello Sook Mun! It's true that Twitter is like the platform for the public to involve in citizen journalism. It is like a place where there is no control at all on what we should or should not say. It's all about freedom!

    Thinking that we might be one of the one that witness an incident happened and post it up on Twitter right after we snapped a photo, we might be the one that is giving the most recent news. Sometimes, even the online news can't compete with us. Twitter is just too easy to reach, back then, we still need to on the laptop/computer to tweet but now? Just a tap on the smartphone and here you go! The news is up!

    What else can we say? Twitter is the one that made us involve in citizen journalism!

  2. Hi, Sook Mun.

    I would say Twitter is one of the microblog site with social networking effect. It allows us to share news update, essential information, and even point of view (but limited words count). Then, we can do instant feedback by commenting and also interaction with the authors by reposting or liking the tweets. So, the authors can observe the responses from the public.

    This is how Twitter benefit citizen journalism.

  3. Sook Mun,

    'Twitter has involved the people nowadays into the global scale of network. Every moments and everytimes people are discussing, posting, commenting on different topic which give us the great impact to our life.' I like the way you say this, it is true that Twitter can let us meet different kind of people from different kind of country, and yet we can get a lot of different comment from different people. From that, we can learn a lot of things and keep updating ourselves through different kind of topic. Twitter also the way that update us about what happened in the world just like a newspaper.

  4. "Every moments and everytimes people are discussing, posting, commenting on different topic which give us the great impact to our life"

    I agree with this statement. I believe Twitter always give big impacts to people as Twitter is a trend now. People believes and involves themselves so much into Twitter and they do not even know some information may included information that might mislead a person. But yes, Twitter is a best tool to get newest news because the news are updating constantly. Compare to newspaper, Twitter is so much faster.

  5. im totally agree with you with this statements - "Every moments and everytimes people are discussing, posting, commenting on different topic which give us the great impact to our life. "

    It can gives out information and maybe opinions on certain topics. Like share what you saw on the way home and may you can share that there is an accident occur in Federal and it's super jam there. When your friend saw this, they will definitely use another path to go home and this will be a very useful information to your friends. Maybe your friends will share this news to others and in the end many people will know about the accidents and avoid using Federal Highway. With this, you help many people to save their precious time.
